Torrevieja, on the Costa Blanca, in sunny Spain

Torrevieja Information

Giving information for Torrevieja

Torrevieja, on the Costa Blanca, in sunny Spain

Cantabile Singers - Torrevieja

Cantabile Singers - Torrevieja

Waiting to hear back from Ann Horsfall, so that we can update this page with more information about the Cantabile Singers and contact details for them, so that over 6,000 people a week can see their details on this page, free of charge.

Just email to

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If you would like an association, charity, club or society for the Torrevieja area to have it's own page on this website, free of charge, just email to maintain these pages completely free of any charges for the community, but please remember, these pages are updated with new information as soon as it's received from the groups representative, (as the text is just copied and pasted from the emails received - any spelling mistakes or grammar errors you see above are not our fault ! !), so, if you see any of the details above are looking out-of-date, it's because the up-to-date details haven't yet been emailed from the groups representative ! !

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