Torrevieja, on the Costa Blanca, in sunny Spain

Torrevieja Information

Information website for Torrevieja on the Costa Blanca

Torrevieja, on the Costa Blanca, in sunny Spain

Christ In You Church


About Us :
We are an Evangelical church, a group of believers in Christ who have been baptized into Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; Romans 6:34).
We are committed to living by faith in Christ. Our purpose is to teach and encourage one another in the Christian way of life and to accomplish the work Christ has given to His church.

Headed by Overseer and senior Pastor Joseph Nkire and his wife Jean, the ministry is presently operating in Europe, Asia and Africa where people are being blessed and hope is restored to the hopeless.

This church has a clear vision. At times, we cooperate with other churches for a specific purpose as directed by the Lord, but we do not compromise our own vision. We have an earnest desire to come to a full understanding of the teaching of Christ (Ephesians 4:1316). As we work towards this goal, we seek to promote unity of spirit and purpose.

Our purpose statement
We seek to provide an environment:

Where people are welcome just as they are.
Where they are helped to see themselves as God sees them,

Where they can get to know him better, and to understand His plan for their lives.
Where they are equipped to carry out their unique ministry within their community and through the church outreach ministries.

Our Vision is of:
A Biblically functioning Community, where everyone is matured and complete in Christ, where people are free from captivity and bondage, and are equipped to serve God and reach out across the nations.

We meet every Sunday at 10.30 am At the Europa Building, Avda del Pino, Pinar de Campoverde.

English/ Spanish Translation.

Prayer Meetings, Bible Study and Homegroup meetings held during the week in the following areas: Punta Prima, Torrevieja, El Mojon, Campoverde, San Cayetano, El Mirador. All are welcome.

For more details, just contact Pastor Revd Joseph Nkire on 968 183 984 or 649 062 731 or Steve and Vuokko Forster on 966 763 962, or Sandra on

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