Torrevieja, on the Costa Blanca, in sunny Spain

Torrevieja Information

Information website for Torrevieja on the Costa Blanca

Torrevieja, on the Costa Blanca, in sunny Spain

Exchange rates, currency rates, plus money transfers from the UK to Spain and from Spain to the UK - Euros and British Pounds, (Sterling)

The exchange rate, last updated here at Saturday the 8th of February 2025, at 7.00am (local time in Spain) , is :
1 British Pound  =  1.200 Euros      1 Euro  =  0.834 British Pounds

The Sterling to Euro rates constantly fluctuates. Residing abroad means that you need to know not only the currently GBP to EURO rate but also aware of the historical rates; you always want to make substantial volumes are transferred in optimal times when the rate is favourable to you. Follow political news and currency rate analysis to educate yourself on the pound to euro rate.

Banks in Torrevieja - all banks in Torrevieja have English speaking staff and cashpoints/ATM's that accept all popular cards including Visa, Mastercard, Switch, Cirrus and Link. Some of the banks in Torrevieja, not all, will change Sterling/Pounds currency in cash for Euros as well.

The banks have different opening times, depending on the time of the year, but if you go to the bank between 10 to 12 on a weekday morning you 'should' find them open.

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