Torrevieja, on the Costa Blanca, in sunny Spain

Torrevieja Information

Information website for Torrevieja on the Costa Blanca

Torrevieja, on the Costa Blanca, in sunny Spain

Spanish words and Spanish phrases - English and Spanish translations - Torrevieja

Dictionary - English to Spanish

The (m) and (f) that appear after some of the words listed below signifies if the word is male (m) or female (f).

For example, you will see from the list below that the word for ‘plate' is ‘plato', which has an (m) after it. This means that the word ‘plato' is male. If you want to say ‘a plate' you would precede the word ‘plato' with 'un' meaning 'a': 'un plato'. Or if you wanted to say 'the plate' you would precede the word ‘plato' with 'el' meaning 'the': 'el plato'.

Another example would be, if you see the list below, the word for ‘cup' is ‘taza', which has an (f) after it. This means that the word ‘taza' is female. If you want to say ‘a cup' you would precede the word ‘taza' with 'una' meaning 'a': 'una taza'. Or if you wanted to say 'the cup' you would precede the word ‘taza' with 'la' meaning 'the': 'la taza'.

Meals - Comidas
Lunch - Almuerzo (m.) / comida (f.)
Sugar - Azucar (m.)
Meat - Carne (f.)
Onion - Cebolla (f.)
Dinner - Cena (f.)
Spoon - Cuchara (f.)
Knife - Cuchillo (m.)
Breakfast - Desayuno (m.)
Cookie - Galleta (f.)
Tomato - Tomate (m.)
Butter - Mantequilla (f.)
Apple - Manzana (f.)
Orange - Naranja (f.)
Bread - Pan (m.)
Pepper - Pimienta (f.)
Banana - Platano (m.)
Plate - Plato (m.)
Chicken - Pollo (m.)
Beef - Carne (f.)
Salt - Sal (f.)
Napkin - Servilleta (f.)
Cup - Taza (f.)
Tea - Te (m.)
Fork - Tenedor (m.)
Glass - Vaso (m)

Kitchen utensils - Utensilio de Cocina
Spoon - Cuchara (f.)
Knife - Cuchillo (m.)
Plate - Plato (m.)
Frying pan - Sarten (m.)
Napkin - Servilleta (f.)
Cup - Taza (f.)
Fork - Tenedor (m.)
Glass - Vaso (m)

General - Generales
Yes - Si
No - No
Open - Abierto
Closed - Cerrado
Please - Por Favor
Big - Grande
Small - Pequeno
Hot - Caliente
Cold - Frio
Fast - Rapido
Slow - Lento
Happy - Contento
Sad - Triste
I don't understand - No entiendo
Full - Lleno
Empty - Vacio
Pardon - Perdon
How much is it - Cuanto es
How many - Cuantos
On the right - A la derecha
On the left - A la izquierda
What - Que
When - Cuando
Where - Donde
What time is it - Que hora es
The bill please - La cuenta por favor
Help - Socorro
Fill up the tank please - Llenarla por favor
How are you - Como estas
I am well - Estoy bien
Can I take a photo - Puedo sacar un foto
Do you speak English - Habla ingles
Good - Bueno
Bad - Malo

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