Torrevieja, on the Costa Blanca, in sunny Spain

Torrevieja Information

Information website for Torrevieja on the Costa Blanca

Torrevieja, on the Costa Blanca, in sunny Spain

Associations, Charities, Clubs and Societies in
Torrevieja and nearby areas

As this page shows, because there's many social groups in Torrevieja, you should never be stuck for things to do in Torrevieja and nearby areas.

Is your association, charity, club, group or society on this page?  If so, are the details still correct?  If the details are not correct, just email the correct details to

If your association, charity, club, group, society or any other type of social group in Torrevieja or nearby areas is not on this page, just email the details to the email address below and the details will then be published on this page, free of charge:

Limitations to the entries on this page :

  • An entry on this page, without a free dedicated page - can only give basic details, such as aims of the group, when and where the group meets, plus contact details - maximum of 100 words and 1 image, (either logos or photos).
  • An entry on this page, with a free dedicated page, (like the others at the bottom of this page) - maximum of 400 words and 2 images, (either logos or photos).

Some clubs and groups may already have their own website, but with this website receiving over 6,000 visitors a week, you'll be reaching a much wider audience by having a free dedicated website page here.

If you would like your own FREE dedicated website page, similar to the ones mentioned at the bottom of this page and which you can always update as often as you wish, free of any charges, just email details of what you would like, to  

* * You can easily see the groups that have taken advantage of the free offer, they're the ones below, with framed borders around their entries.

If you would prefer to go straight to a particular entry, just click once on the relevant link below:

7 A Side Football in Torrevieja

A Touch of Class

AECC Torrevieja

Age Concern Torrevieja

Alcoholics Anonymous Torrevieja

Asociacion Caring Together

Association of Retired Police Officers

Auto Y Caravanas Espana

Badminton at Pilar de la Horadada

Belly Dancing Classes

Bridge Club Torrevieja

Brit Club

Care Trust - Romania

Casa Ventura Restaurant and Sports

Cherokee Line Dancers

Christ In You Church - Torrevieja

Coropilar Choral - Torrevieja

Costa Blanca Mountain Walkers

Costa Blanca Runners (South)

Crescendo International Choir

Cricket On The Costa Blanca

Cycling Club (Club Ciclista)

Discussion Group

El Limonar bar and restaurant

English Speaking Club

Euro Divers club

FC Torrevieja British Supporters Club

Football on the Costa Blanca

Freewheelers - Torrevieja Classic Cars

Gardeners Corner Torrevieja

Healthy Living Club

HELP Association Torrevieja

International Christian Assembly - Torrevieja

Just Brass - Torrevieja

La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja

Labour International

Laguna Line Dancers

Latin Line Dancing

Masonry in Torrevieja

Mingles 2

Netball Club - Torrevieja

New Solos Club

Nosmo King Club

Pals - Pleasure and Leisure in Spain - Torrevieja

Pals - Protection and Life Saving - Torrevieja

Parent and Toddler Group

Phoenix Concert Band in Torrevieja

RAF Changi Association

Royal Air Force Association in Torrevieja

Royal British Legion in Torrevieja

Royal Naval Association in Torrevieja

San Luis Bowls Club

SAT, Sociedad protectora para Animales de Torrevieja

Scuba Tribe

Simply Social

Taabs - Torrevieja Association of Amateur Balladeers Singers

Table Tennis - Torrevieja

Tennis - Torrevieja

The Buffs - Torrevieja

The Crossroads Club

The Gilbert and Sullivan Society in Torrevieja

The Golden Girls

The Good Life Club

The Rascals - Torrevieja

The Sunshine Club

The Velvetones

Torrevieja Badminton Club

Torrevieja Barbershop Harmonisers

Torrevieja Boys Football Club

Torrevieja CASUG Diving Centre

Torrevieja Craft Club

Torrevieja Digital Camera Club

Torrevieja Flower Club

Torrevieja Marina Club Diving Centre

Torrevieja Mens Football

Torrevieja Multiaventura Diving Centre

Torrevieja Neighbourhood Watch

Torrevieja Philatelic Society

Torrevieja Scuba Diving

Torrevieja Self Awareness and Healing San Luis

Torrevieja Show Group

Torrevieja Sub Aqua Diving Centre

Torrevieja Table Tennis Club

Torrevieja United Futbol Club

Torrevieja Writers Circle

World Ship Society

Football teams in Torrevieja7 A side football
Do you enjoy playing football ?  Local English football team, playing once a week on astro turf, currently have 2 vacancies for the team - 1 goalkeeper and 1 striker.  Initial fitness not important.

Football on the Costa Blanca

Non-profit and non-commercial, competitive, but not too serious, just a good way to keep fit, have a laugh and make new mates at the same time. If you're easy going, reliable and aged between 20-40, just call Doug on 628 789 335.

A Touch of Class
World renowned portrait artist will be commencing classes at Los Arcos, Avda. Baleares in Torrevieja, from the beginning of September, Wednesdays from 12 - 2pm instructing in the art of portrait and pastel artwork. Ring now and book as places are limited and you will need to discuss materials.

Call Sue on 966 798 640 (Answerphone)

AECC Torrevieja
The Asociacion Espanola Contra el Cancer, known more commonly as AECC or 'Contra Cancer', is an independent, self funding national charity. The local branch at Torrevieja, which is run by a mixed Spanish and British committee, is situated in Calle Torrevejenses Ausentes, 33, between the Queen Burger Bar and the Plaza Oriente in Torrevieja.

The primary objective is the prevention, by early detection, of three cancers - breast, cervix and prostate. To find out more or to make an appointment for screening, please visit the office, Wednesdays from 09.30. At present we have more appointments available which cuts down waiting time.

The AECC Torrevieja branch is also heavily involved in the running of a Mobile Unit, dedicated to caring for the cancer related terminally ill and also give counselling to family members. The unit, which has three specialists on hand at all times, is available to all living in the Vega Baja region and is controlled by the Oncology Unit of Elche General Hospital. The funding of the unit is the responsibility of the AECC and without the donations from so many generous private individuals, clubs and societies this would be an impossible task.

Being able to treat the terminally ill in their own homes, not only gives them more comfort and the security of knowing they are close to their loved ones, it also releases bed space in the already overloaded Spanish National Health Hospitals.

If anyone has anything that we could use for tombola or raffle prizes these would be much appreciated.

For further information, or to change appointments (Wednesday mornings only) please ring the office on 965 716 679.

Age Concern Torrevieja
Asociacion Age Concern Costa Blanca SUR
Problem-solving for older people

Age Concern CBS was legally constituted with the Valencian Government in May 1998 with the charity number 7301 and C.I.F. number G53280376 and our geographical area is from south of Alicante city down to the Murcia border and inland to the mountains. It is a member of the Federacion de Asociaciones de Age Concern España which, in turn, is a member of Age Concern England.

Age Concern in Spain encourages people from other countries to integrate with the Spanish people and seeks to establish relationships with Spanish associations that work for the benefit of older people. Age Concern aims to promote the well-being of all older people and help make life a fulfilling and enjoyable experience.

The charity is non-profit making and does not ask for payment for any advice, information or assistance given. It is funded entirely from local sources and welcomes donations.

Contact number: 966 786 887

Alcoholics Anonymous - Torrevieja
Founded in 1935, Alcoholics Anonymous is an international, worldwide fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.Alcoholics Anonymous - Torrevieja

There's no dues or fees for A.A. membership, we are self supporting through our own contributions. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking alcohol.

There have been meetings for the English speaking community in Torrevieja since 1988.

Our confidential Helpline is available to those concerned with their own levels of drinking and is answered by alcoholics already recovering with the support of A.A.

Alcoholics Anonymous has a policy and history of cooperation with those whose professional lives bring them into contact with a suffering alcoholic. Please contact the phone number below if you require further information on how we can support you in helping them.

For more details on the Alcoholics Anonymous in Torrevieja, just call the helpline, (please mention that you heard about them here) on - 625 912 078

Association of Retired Police Officers (Costa Blanca South)
We are the Association of Retired Police Officers, Costa Blanca South. We meet at 10.30am on the 2nd Wednesday every month, except July and August.

Photo below of a recent social event at the Portico Mar restaurant in Guardamar on Valentine's day.

Association of Retired Police Officers - Torrevieja

We extend a warm welcome to all officers, wives and partners of all National police services.

For information please contact Danny Gidman on 676 136 828 or email

Asociacion Caring Together
The association helping to bring Hospice services to the Costa Blanca.

To offer your help please contact 965 894 240 or 965 327 342 or emails in English to To speak with us in  Spanish/Valencian/French or German please contact Jose Antonio Corachan on 626 695 561 or email Nursing Service helpline 619 216 270.

Auto Y Caravanas Espana
We are taking a break during the hot months of July and August with some of our members going off to Norway, Sweden Nordkap and then Finland. We start the new season on September 13th with a rally at Val de Lagua. Contact for this one is Roger 966 480 751 or 679 374 282.

If you are interested in joining us, then contact 968 154 589 or email
We have no joining fee, annual fee, committees, and therefore no hassle.

We are just a group of caravan or motorhome owners who enjoy the safety and company of others who have a desire to see more of this beautiful country.

Badminton at Pilar de la Horadada
We are a badminton Group who meet at the Duques de Palma Sports Centre at Pilar de la Horadada. Just 15 minutes south of Torrevieja. We play three days a week. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. The sessions for three hours, 10.00 am to 1.00 pm. We have three courts although we are currently seeking to expand to five courts.

Mondays are reserved for experienced players only. Wednesdays and Thursdays are reserved for Social Badminton, including beginners coaching and a limited supply of rackets is available. The Club has been running successfully for two years. The cost is 3 euro for Monday session, and 2 euro for Wednesday and Thursday sessions.

All age groups welcome.

Contact. John McGilvray on 966 786 774 or
e mail

Belly Dancing Classes
Tuesdays at The Emerald Isle, Urb. La Florida, from 4.00pm and at Las Claras, Urb. Oasis, Los Alcazares on Wednesday from 4.00pm. Keep fit in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a smile.

Call Cleo on 619 512 714 for more information.

Bridge Club Torrevieja
Meeting at Rte Antonios, Avda de los Naciones, 16, (150 metres from the arches at Ciudad Quesada) Monday and Thursday.

Call Jon Scholte on 966 718 440

When contacting anyone that is mentioned on
this website, please mention that you saw them

Brit Club
Tuesdays at Bar Oasis, Torreta 3.

For more info please contact George McEwan on 669 640 803.

Care Trust-Romania
A small network of committed volunteers raising funds to provide basic needs, food, clothing, medicines etc, for orphans and the poor in and around Brasov, Romania.

Please contact 965 716 601.

Casa Ventura Restaurant and Sports
Quiz show held at the Casa Ventura in San Luis, every Monday commencing at 9pm prompt. So come along and lend your support.

For more details email

Cherokee Line Dancers
For further information please contact Sue on 966 760 663 or Carol on 966 760 736.

Christ In You - Torrevieja
Christ in You the Hope of Glory Church.

We are a bible-based Evangelical church who meet every Sunday at 10.30 am at the Europa Building, Avda del Pino, Pinar de Campoverde.

English/ Spanish Translation.
Prayer Meetings, Bible Study and Homegroup meetings held during the week in the following areas: Punta Prima, Torrevieja, El Mojon, Campoverde, San Cayetano, El Mirador. All are welcome.

For more information please contact Pastor Revd Joseph Nkire on 968 183 984 or 649 062 731 or Steve and Vuokko Forster on 966 763 962.

The Christ In You also have their own free website page. For more details, just click once on the following link - Christ In You Church- Torrevieja

Coropilar - Choral group
"Coropilar" mixed men/women, all nationalities: British, German, Scandinavian, Spanish sings everything from Christmas concertTorrevieja Choirs with carols (in at least three languages) and secular songs, to "Songs from the Shows". Concert performances in churches and Casas de Cultura early December and various auditoriums in May/June. Music is specially arranged for us.

We rehearse Friday evenings 5-7pm at the Municipal offices at Campoverde. We always welcome new singers - usually new members have previous experience from school/church choirs or choral societies/amateur theatrical societies. There are opportunities for chorus singers and soloists.
Choral group - "Harmonia" is a smaller 'choir-within-a-choir' of the more experienced singers, which provides a service at weddings, funerals and other special events. The group has its own organist and can supply other musicians for dancing.

Contact Christine on 966 762 308.

Costa Blanca Mountain Walkers
Various venues and walks, all class's.

Call Peter on 965 787 343

Costa Blanca Runners (South)
A group of Expat runners meet at Caprabo Supermarket on Sunday mornings for a 90 minute run. We also do hill runs on a Tuesday evening and track sessions on a Thursday evening. We are also members of the local Torrevieja running club called Millennium, based at the Sports Centre in Torrevieja. If anyone wants more information just contact John McGilvray on 966 786 774, or email:

Costa Blanca Runners (South) - Torrevieja

Crescendo International Choir - Torrevieja
(Coral Internacional Crescendo)

Crescendo International Choir - Torrevieja

The Crescendo International Choir, under its Musical Director and Arranger, Chas Smith, meets for fun, friendship and for the pleasure of making quality music in convivial company.

The Crescendo International Choir meet on Wednesdays from 6.00 to 8.00pm at Casa Ventura Restaurant, San Luis, Torrevieja.

You will appreciate from the following random selection from our current repertoire that the music we sing is both international and infinitely varied in its content. - We perform the Hallelujah! Chorus with Amazing Grace! We will (in Spanish) search for Footprints in the Sand (Huella en la Arena), or we will sing The Bohemian Rhapsody, Down by the Riverside! We'll Speed Your Journey with The Phantom of the Opera, and Whistle Down the Wind while Swinging with the saints! All part of The Rhythm of Life! And if that isn't varied enough, we promise that if you come with us, You'll Never Walk Alone! What we don't want to be is, Sin Ti, (Without You!).

The sixty-strong Crescendo International Choir membership lives up to its name with members from Spain, Germany, Holland, and Norway; as well as all parts of the UK. We currently have room for more, in all sections, especially basses and mezzo sopranos. Solo musical skill and talent in the spoken word also find outlets in our programmes.

Our Conductor, Chas Smith has a long association with the performance of music; beginning in the North-East England town of Sunderland, where he was brought up in the Salvation Army. It was therefore almost inevitable that as soon as he was big enough to hold a cornet, his father taught him to play. From his first solo performance at the age of five Chas played in venues throughout the UK and in Scandinavia, acquiring his skills as a conductor during three years in the RAF. He has been involved in conducting and directing choirs, bands and operatic societies almost continuously ever since. In July 2004 Chas was approached to ask if he would take on the Musical Directorship of a proposed new mixed choir, which he agreed to do, and so emerged in the autumn of 2004 the Crescendo International Choir, which has grown greatly in size and prestige under the benevolent tyranny of his leadership!

Crescendo were presented with a plaque for their 'Inestimable collaboration' in a concert at the Teatro Virgen del Carmen on Thursday 19th May for the European Culture Festival, celebrating 50th anniversary of the European Union.

Crescendo International Choir in Torrevieja

Can the Crescendo International Choir in Torrevieja sing for you? The Crescendo Choir will travel any distance to perform for charitable or social events of all kinds. (We have not so far been booked for weddings, funerals, or Bar mitzvahs, but all requests will be considered!) For our participation in an event or for a cause that would benefit from good music well sung, contact Concert Manager Mary Mitchell on 965 725 641

If you think you would like to share in harmony, friendship and social activity with us, just come along any Wednesday and say, 'Hello!' Music reading is not an essential requirement (we will instruct where required), but commitment is! If you are not sure if you are a bass or a soprano, then you are in trouble! But come anyway, we'll probably be able to tell!

Crescendo Choir meets every Wednesday evening from 6-8 pm in the "OASIS" bar in Torreta 3.

For more information contact our membership sec. Lesley Rolls 966 719 163

Cricket On The Costa Blanca
Friendly Cricket Club based on the urbanisation La Marina between Alicante and Torrevieja, we have players from 11 to 65 as well as Male and Female players, we have a thriving social side as well, sounds good? Then get in touch

Cricket On The Costa Blanca, Torrevieja

If you are interested in playing, then contact Jon a fully qualified Cricket Espana coach on 605 528 652, for anything else contact Bob on 619 551 394

Cycling Club (Club Ciclista)
A cycling club aimed at all nationalities. Rides are twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays and depart at 10.00 am from the main square in San Miguel de Salinas. (A village just 9 miles from Torrevieja).

Contact Hans on 636 183 314.

Discussion Group
We have a limited number of vacancies for new members in our weekly discussion group, please call for more details to Maureen on 966 760 448.

El Limonar bar and restaurant
Mad Mal's Magical Quiz Show! Commences each Tuesdays at 9pm.

Make a date and join the fun! All are very welcome!

English Speaking Club
We meet Thursday evenings at the Bar Oasis on the strip Torreta 3, for a friendly game of bingo, raffle and a good old natter!

For more info contact Margaret on 965 719 907.

Euro Divers club
We meet at the Shiralee Bar in Torrevieja, found on the coast road from Torrevieja to the N332, near the salt jetty and opposite the VW car showroom.

For more info just contact Don 965 703 803.

FC Torrevieja British Supporters Club
The aim of the Torry Army is to support the local football club in Torrevieja (FC Torrevieja) at both home and away matches and encourage integration within a recognised Spanish football team. The Torry Army has direct representation within the football team as two of the supporters committee members are also FC Torrevieja Directors.
All home matches are played at the Vicente Garcia Municipal Stadium in Torrevieja, usually at 5pm on a Sunday.
As well as the 1st team (playing in the Valencian Preferente Division) we also run sides for 7 year old upwards and also a Ladies team.
For more details just call the Secretary of FCTorrevieja - David Welsman on 678 961 165.
Eddie Cagigao
Chairman, Torry Army
FC Torrevieja British Supporters Club.

Football on the Costa Blanca
Are you aged between 20-40?  Local 7 a side English football teams now looking for more players. Playing once a week on a 7 A Side Football on the Costa Blancaweekday evening in the Torrevieja area on astro turf. Nothing too serious, just a good way of keeping fit and socialising at the same time. Must be reliable and easy going.

Just call Doug on 628 789 335

There's also a website page for the football on the Costa Blanca, on the following link, Website page for football on the Costa Blanca

Freewheelers - Torrevieja Classic Cars

Freewheelers - Torrevieja Classic Cars

Freewheelers is a group of people interested in Classic cars in Torrevieja.

We arrange outings in our cars to different places of interest to enable us to get out and about in our old cars and enjoy ourselves with like minded people.

We are not a club just a social group with a common interest.

Freewheelers - Torrevieja Classic Cars

If your interest is in these old cars and maybe you own one in another Country join us for a run in your modern day version, if you wish for a day out.

Should you wish to join this happy band, just contact :
Derek on or phone 686 765 297 or 965 971 433

The Freewheelers classic cars in Torrevieja also have their own free website page. To see what the Freewheelers in Torrevieja have been up to and what they plan for the future, just click once on the following link - Freewheelers classic cars in Torrevieja

Gardeners Corner Torrevieja
Los Frutales (Avenida Alfredo Nobel), in Torrevieja. Now meet each Tuesday 10.45 am at karaoke bar 'Supersof. We have enjoyable and lively discussions, swap cuttings, seeds, plants etc. Great social scene - day trips to places of interest, parties and meals out.

Contact: 966 703 554.

Healthy Living Club
If you have an interest in this subject, just call 965 322 867 for details of future meetings.

HELP Association Torrevieja
The Association helps people of all ages with all sorts of problems, covering La Marina to Campoamor, the Orihuela Costa and inland to towns such as Ciudad Quesada, Dolores, Catral and San Miguel. Our office, at Rambla Juan Mateo Garcia 4, Torrevieja, tel 965 704 282, opens from 10.00 to 13.30 Monday to Friday and provides information and help.

Phone if you need orthopaedic equipment, a volunteer driver, interpreter, trained nurse, carer or help in an  emergency. Out of hours an answer-phone gives the number to call (the number changes daily). We offer practical advice and assistance if a death occurs and will help in the case of accidents, sudden illness, theft, break-ins and when police or medical services are involved.

We welcome new members and volunteers, as well as sponsors and donations! It costs five euros a year to be a member of HELP, which is the largest registered charity in the Costa Blanca. If you would like a representative of HELP to talk to your club or association about our work, please phone the office. If you belong to a group, club or association that raises money for good causes, please consider helping us.

We have a diabetic support group, a friendship centre and a hospital visiting team which visits the Vega Baja hospital three times a week. Our large stock of orthopaedic equipment for hire includes wheelchairs, walking frames, toilet seat raisers, bath seats, crutches, a hospital type bed and hoist.

From time to time we also donate essential equipment to local health centres and the Vega Baja hospital.
We also hold a monthly charity sale.

For more details, just call 965 704 282 or email

International Christian Assembly
International Christian Assembly in Torrevieja We meet at Calle San Miguel de Salinas 2, corner Santomera (Nr. Centro de Salud) Torrevieja
Sunday Services 18.30. Everyone welcome. Rev. Rafael Restrepo 966.708.385
Registered church; Ministerio de Justicia - Registro 4970-SE/A

Just Brass - Torrevieja

Just Brass is the only brass band on the Costa Blanca.
Ian Tinsley is the Musical Director.

Just Brass - Torrevieja

The band plays in a wide variety of venues, including grand concert halls, churches, bars and restaurants and for private functions. It is a supporter of The Lions Club.

Just Brass - Torrevieja

The Ayuntamiento in San Miguel generously support Just Brass, by allowing it to have free use of rehearsal and storage space in the Centro Social.To go to the website page for Just Brass, just click on the link below :
Just Brass - Torrevieja

La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja

La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja

The venue for the La Siesta Bowls Club is :
Calle Rossini, urb. La Siesta, Torrevieja

Owners: Jim and Lyn Hudson 690 190 523
President: Terry Baylis email:
Captain: Peter Hutton email:

La Siesta bowling club is located in La Siesta urbanization in Torrevieja, in southern Alicante. The club takes part in the SABA and CBBA leagues, There is also internal club championships.

Chicken and egg and Saturday Treasure Chest.

The Green is open from 9.30am. Until 5.30pm

Beginners lessons are held at the green, for more information and to reserve your place contact Jim Hudson on 690 190 523. To go to the website page for the La Siesta Bowls Club, just click on the link below :
La Siesta Bowls Club - Torrevieja

Labour international
Regular meetings are on the second Thursday of each month at Casa del Pueblo, Calle La Paz, Torrevieja (PSOE Offices) at 11am. If you view the world from a left wing perspective and would like to socialise and discuss with like minded people come along.

Contact Alan Dunton on 966 925 059 or Sid Williamson on 965 714145

Laguna Line Dancers
Meet every Thursday in the Bar Marina in Torreta 2. Please contact Peter on 966 797 955 or 626 440 534, all are very welcome.

Latin Line Dancing
Like Latin Dancing? Try Latin Line Dancing. Dance to Rumba, Cha Cha, Salsa, mambo etc., with or without a partner. At the Emerald Isle, La Florida on Thursdays from 16.00 hrs and at Casa Venture on Tuesdays, San Luis from 16.00 hrs.

For more information on any of the above including forthcoming parties call Mike on 966 798 588 or Jan on 966 761 998.

Is your association, charity, club or society on this page?
If so, are the details still correct?
If the details are not correct, just email the correct details to :

If your association, charity, club or society is not on this page, then just email the details to the email address below and the entry will be published on this page, free of charge.

Masonry in Torrevieja
Masonic meetings take place regularly up and down the Costa Blanca.
If you are a Freemason and wish to attend a meeting, just contact Barrie Mansell on 966 719 653 or email
Thistle club lunch, call Barrie Mansell on 966 719 653.
Torrevieja dining club lunch, call Brian Walker on 965 329 297.
Las Salinas ladies night at restaurant Fitton, Los Balcones. Contact Eddie Davis on 966 722 992 or Barrie Mansell on 966 719 653.

Mingles 2
Do you like to dance, then come and dance the night away at Mingles-2 every Monday at Salon Filton, Los Balcones. Its a great night out to dance, chat and make new friends in an informal and very friendly atmosphere. Disco for over 30s with DJ playing best sounds of chart, 60s, 70s, jive, motown, reggae and soul.

Don't be alone, call Cleo on 619 512 714 for further information.

Netball Club in Torrevieja
At Playa Flamenca, 11 -16 years old plus adults. Wednesdays 6pm to 8pm and Sundays 11am to 1pm.
Sue Dunne on 617 575 168

New Solos Club
Age group approx 40's to 60's. Meet new friends.

For more info just call Phil on 637 545 986.

Nosmo King Club
A breath of fresh air! We meet on Thursday mornings at the Los Arcos Restaurant, Ave Baleares in Torrevieja and are a non smoking club.

For more info about the club please contact Violet or Philip King on 966 702 556 or 600 985 656. Come and join us!

Pals - Pleasure and leisure in Spain - Torrevieja
(Pleasure and leisure in Spain)
Coffee, chat, whist, darts, dominoes, live entertainment.

Contact Grace 966 70 56 41 or Norma 966 706 202

Pals - Protection and Life Saving - Torrevieja
Founded in August 2000 PALS (Protection and Life Saving) have in their four years of existence raised over 6,000 Euros worth of medical equipment which has been given to the public health centres in Mazarron and Fuente Alamo and recently to the 112 Emergency service in Mazarron and the Port.
For further information:
President Graham Moore 96 843 78 37
Vice President Ken Payne 96 842 22 28
Secretary Kathy Haddock 96 816 36 07.
For wheelchair hire and tickets Sheila
968 138 823.
For tickets, just call any of the above or Di (in the port) on
968 594 503
or Gill 968 152 621

Parent and Toddler Group
Friendly group of parents meeting at Bar Elviras C/Abanto, Urb San Luis, Torrevieja every Monday 10.30am to 12.30pm. Come along with your young children and even if you are pregnant.

For more info please contact Sheryl on 660 222 637

Phoenix Concert Band in Torrevieja

Phoenix Concert Band in Torrevieja

The Phoenix Concert Band, under the directorship of Ian Vine, consists of a group of wind players, who live mainly in the Torrevieja area.

The band enjoys playing within a group of like minded people and providing entertainment to the public.It is equally at home on a concert platform, in church or on a bandstand.

Players with some experience will be welcomed at rehearsals, which take place every Tuesday at 1300hrs in the centro Social, San Miguel de Salinas.

For more details contact Di on 965 716 601 or 605 457 659
or Gill on 966 199 601 or 660 559 579
The Phoenix Concert Band also have their own website page, just click once on the following link:
Phoenix Concert Band in Torrevieja

RAF Changi Association
The association was founded in May 1996. To qualify for membership, a person must have served between the years 1938-1972 at RAF Changi or HQ FEAF in uniform or as a civilian or have been dependent of either.

Contact Mal Graham on 966 785 769 or email

Royal Air Forces Association in Torrevieja
The Royal Air Forces Association Costa Blanca Branch No 1359, meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, at the Social Club at Ciudad de Los Communications in San Miguel.

Social events are also held on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Anyone interested are welcome to join us.

For further information please contact Joan Knowles on 966 798 071 or Don Cole on 965 013 186.

Royal British Legion in Torrevieja
The Torrevieja Branch of the Royal British Legion has been in existence since April 1989. It has been fortunate in holding meetings in various premises in the area.Royal British Legion in Torrevieja

The Branch of the Royal British Legion in Torrevieja now meets at La Marina Bar, Torreta II on 2nd Wednesday of Month at 12.30.

Membership of the British Legion is open to anyone, but they must agree to abide by the Aims and Objectives of the Royal British Legion.

Chairman - Mrs Gill Burden telephone number 638 512 056.
Welfare - telephone 676 141 309
Hon Treasurer/Poppy Appeal Organiser - David S Young Tel/Fax: 966 760 392
The Royal British Legion Torrevieja Branch

Royal Naval Association - Torrevieja Branch
The branch meets on the first Wednesday of the month at El Paraiso Bar/Restaurant, Avenida de las Alondras,Royal Naval Association - Torrevieja Branch
Becisa Los Angeles, Torrevieja, at 17.30 hours.
Existing and potential members welcome to come and join us.

For further information regarding any aspect of the RNA please contact the Secretary Rod Millington on 966 764 292.

San Luis Bowls Club
Situated in the Casa Ventura Sports complex and is open for business each day between the hours of 10.00am and  5.00pm.

For more info call John on 680 245 561.

SAT - Sociedad protectora para Animales de Torrevieja
Name: SAT, Sociedad protectora para Animales de Torrevieja.
Address: Vereda del Pozo 48, Dolores, 03150, (Alicante).
Telephone number for SAT: 966 710 047
Email address:
Website page:

Scuba Tribe
Scuba tribe is a scuba diving school based in Ciudad Quesada (Rojales), five miles from Torrevieja.
We organize guided dives and a full range of courses, as well as First aid, Red cross life saving and Canoeing.

Torrevieja diving club - Scuba Tribe

We take particular care of the beginners and of the persons who may have had a difficult start and help them to progressively reach a good level.
The instructors and divemasters are all British.

For more details you can either email or call on 966 719 936, or mobile: 629 608 102).

Simply Social
Simply social club is presently closed for the summer recess. We reopen on Wednesday 13th September 2006. The simply social club meets at the Club Nautico Dehesa de Campoamor for fun and a relaxing afternoon each Wednesday from approximately 2.30pm to 5.00pm. All are welcome at an admission price of 1 euro per person.

We regularly organise monthly restaurant and coach outings.
For more details, call Joy on 966 746 617 or Mobile 646 502 244 or Peter on 966 761 282 or 678 815 510.

Taabs - Torrevieja Association of Amateur Balladeers Singers

Taabs - Torrevieja Association of Amateur Balladeers Singers

T.A.A.B.'S have been performing for the last 8 years singing at various venues to raise money for local charities and have so far raised just over 22.000 euros.

These last 12 months we have been doing our shows for Cruz-Roja Torrevieja (Red-Cross) for a replacement Ambulance that is needed in 2009 at a cost of 70,000 euros, so far, thanks to the people of Torrevieja, 6,000 euros has been raised.

We do about 10 shows a year, closing for July and August, we rehearse twice a week at " El Paraiso" Restaurant at urb. Los Angeles Plaza Los Halcones Torrevieja, behind "Los Arcos" Restaurant on Tuesday and Thursday 1pm to 3-30pm.

We are a group of 12 people (Men and Woman) so if you want to join us, come along you will be most welcome, Singing all modern and old time songs.

Chairperson - Anne Bird
Secretary - Sandy Rush
Treasurer - Marion Maddox
Musical Director - Cathy Carson

If you would like any more information about the Taabs, and/or you would like our group to perform for you at clubs, bars, restaurants, etc, please contact our secretary, Sandy on 965 070 457 or email to

The excellent Taabs of Torrevieja also have their own website page, to see what they've been up to and what they plan for the future, just click once on the link below :
Taabs association in Torrevieja

Table Tennis Club - Torrevieja
Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Casa Ventura, off the San Luis roundabout, from 2pm to 5.30pm.

Coaching available to all standards.

For more information contact Del on 653 564 831.

Tennis On The Costa Blanca - Torrevieja
A short drive from Torrevieja is the Real Club De Golf Campoamor. The three tennis courts and two padel courts are situated above the football pitches in the centro deportivo, in the beautiful, green, surrounds of Campoamor golf club.

The club has a resident, fully qualified LTA 'pro' tennis coach, Steve Durie. People of all ages and nationalities are welcome to join in social club play sessions, adult coaching groups and junior holiday clinics, to receive individual coaching or simply to hire the courts.

For more information call Steve on 635 061 439 or visit the website page below.

Steve also has his own free website page, just click once on the following link, Tennis On The Costa Blanca - Torrevieja

The Buffs - Torrevieja
The Buffs meet every Wednesday at 16.00 hrs in the New York Bar, Commercial II, La Siesta, Torrevieja, adjacent to the Farmacia.

Brothers old and new are always welcome and assured of a good afternoon's entertainment.

Call John Hemming on 966 718 122.

The Crossroads Club - Torrevieja
This well established social club meets at the Olympia Restaurant Mil Palmeras every Friday at 2.30 p.m. We have a speaker of general interest each week and a regular spot of advice on local cooking and a recipe. There is a gardener for advice and a chat and we have a Spanish lesson given by a native Spanish lady, who is informative and amusing, all for a mere one euro. When there is enough in the kitty we donate to charity.

The social side of the club ensures a trip out every month and some longer overnight stops from time to time. Some trips already planned include the Jalon Valley in Spring and a gourmet trip to Portico Mar.

There is no need to "join", just turn up or call Ina on 965 329 864 or Caroline on 965 328 423 for directions. We will be pleased to see you

The Gilbert and Sullivan Society in Torrevieja

The Gilbert and Sullivan Society in Torrevieja

A Brief History

The Society was founded in 1995, when in response to a newspaper advertisement, twenty six like minded people came together to produce, for public performance, the operettas of Gilbert and Sullivan. The Societies aim was to produce each year a different operetta. Cyril Willoughby was appointed Musical Director and Joan Rice provided piano accompaniment. Joan retired in 2001 and was succeeded by Susan Brace Guest in 2002. Susan is a professional musician in her own right, playing Viola in both the Gulbenkian Foundation Orchestra in Portugal and the Welsh National Opera Orchestra in Cardiff. Sue has returned to her first love, the Piano to accompany the Society.
In 1999, the Society became a fully registered association with the Valencia authorities. In 2005, the Society celebrated the 10th Anniversary of its foundation.

Productions to Date :

1996 Trial by Jury, Los Arcos Restaurant, Torrevieja.
1998 Pirates of Penzance, Casa Cultura, Guardamar.
1999 The Mikado, Casa Cultura, Guardamar.
2000 H:M:S Pinafore, Capitol Theatre, Rojales.
2001 Trial by Jury, Los Arcos Restaurant, Torrevieja.
2002 Iolanthe, Casa Cultura, Guardamar.
2003 The Gondoliers, Casa Cultura, Guardamar.
2004 The Yeomen of the Guard, Casa Cultura, Torrevieja.
2004 Excerpts in Concert, Palacio de la Musica, Torrevieja.
2005 Patience, Casa Cultura, Guardamar.
2005 Grand Gala Concert, Centro Culturas, Torrevieja.
2005 Saint Cecilia Concert, Casa Cultura, Guardamar.
2006 The Pirates of Penzance, Casa Cultura, Guardamar.
2006 Grand Concert, Casa Cultura, Guardamar.
2006 St Cecilia Concert, Casa Cultura, Guardamar
2007 - The Mikado
2007 - St Cecilia Concert
2008 - The Sorcerer
2008 - Saint Cecilia Concert
2008 - The Mikado
2009 - H.M.S. Pinafore
2009 - Saint Cecilia Concert

The Gilbert and Sullivan Society in Torrevieja

Supporting Charities - As a result of its productions, the Society has donated in excess of €6,000 to local and international charities. The following charities have received donations : Help Association, Torrevieja, AECC, ANDE, APENEE, Multiple Sclerosis, Spina Bifida, Caritas International, Caritas Española, Cruz Roja Española, Regidoria de Benestar Social, Guardamar, Alzheimers Association and Age Concern, Costa Blanca Sur.

To see more details for the Gilbert and Sullivan Society in Torrevieja, just visit their own website page by clicking once on the link below :
Gilbert and Sullivan Society in Torrevieja

The Golden Girls
A ladies club, meeting alternate Wednesday afternoons for quizzes, guest speakers and excursions etc.
Alternate Wednesday afternoons between 2pm and 4pm at The Emerald Isle, La Florida.
Contact Kath Rowe 965 329 092.

When contacting anyone that is mentioned on
this website, please mention that you saw them

The Good Life Club
The club is for non smoking members only and grows in strength every week. A hard working and dedicated committee do everything they can to make members and guests feel welcome, and the atmosphere is friendly and good.

Weekly speakers at the meetings and lots of events to look forward to, dances, coach trips, auctions, quizzes, all in a smoke free atmosphere. We will be limiting our membership and closing it when it reaches 100.

We meet in the Los Arcos Restaurant in Avenida Baleares in Torrevieja, on Tuesday afternoons at 1pm.

More information can be obtained by calling Violet on 966 702 556 or e-mail

The Rascals - Torrevieja
Rascals are a group of like-minded people who put on musical variety shows for charity. All monies raised from ticket sales are given to the chosen charity on the night. They are also a social group that have fun days and nights with the sole purpose of enjoying themselves and looking after each other!

Rascals in Torrevieja

If you would like to join us please call Jill Rule 966 727 282 for more information.

To find out more about The Rascals in Torrevieja, just visit their own website page, by clicking once on the link below:
The Rascals in Torrevieja

The Sunshine Club
A social support group for the young at heart with physical or learning difficulties. If you want to have fun and make new friends, then come along! We meet every Thursday evening, usually at Villamartin, and enjoy a variety of activities, everyone is welcome.

For enquiries telephone: Karen on 965 327 730 or Lenny on 966 791 514. We look forward to meeting you.

The Velvetones

The Velvetone - Torrevieja

The "Velvetones" Ladies International Barbershop Harmony Chorus now in it's 10th year, has over 50 singers and social members.

The Velvetone - Torrevieja

Under the musical direction of Jan Ryder, we meet every Wednesday at 10 am, please call one of the numbers below for more details.
MD Jan Ryder 966 785 313
Assistant MD Gail Grainger 965 329 265
Chairperson Janette Dirksen 965 329 642
Chorus Manager Maggie Ellis-Press 966 784 139
Secretary Shirley Lovell 966 921 787
Treasurer Chris Coppin 966 785 182
Publicity/Singout Coordinator Elizabeth Rainey 965 727 034
Membership Secretary Val Crowley 966 717 262
Chorus Representatives Marion Clayton 966 713 093 or Lynette Reynolds 966 775 379
Who should I contact? Thinking about joining? Maggie Ellis-Press on 966 784 139 or Val Crowley on 966 717 262.
Want to book our chorus for a singout, concert, dinner, wedding, party, rave up? Elizabeth Rainey on 965 727 034.
Want to confirm where we are rehearsing? Maggie Ellis-Press on 966 784 139.
Want to give us some money? Chris Coppin on 966 785 182.

Come and join the Torrevieja Ladies Barbershop Harmony Club Velvetones - we're a friendly bunch.

Torrevieja Badminton Club
Badminton club currently play 3 times a week.

Contact John on 966 786 774 or 650 257 553.

Torrevieja Barbershop Harmonisers
The Torrevieja Barbershop Harmonisers are a multi-national chorus with members from Belgium, England, Holland, Germany and Spain and only sing in English. We rehearse every Tuesday morning, please call either of the numbers below for more details.

The chorus membership is between 50-60 which makes us the largest mens barbershop chorus in Spain. However, we are always looking for new members. If you have any interest in singing please call in for a coffee and a chat, or telephone Barry on 966 717 262 or Eberhard on 966 773 145.

To see more details for the Barbershop Harmonisers in Torrevieja, just visit their own website page by clicking once on the link below :
Barbershop Harmonisers in Torrevieja

Torrevieja Boys Football Club
Charlton Athletic, at Campoamor. Call David Greene on 966 786 729.

Torrevieja CASUG Diving Centre
Calle Mayor 7, Guardamar del Segura, Alicante.
Tel 965 728 762

Torrevieja Craft Club
Come along to the new craft club in Torrevieja, a new group who love crafts, we will be making all sorts of cards, technique's, scarp booking, etc, etc.

We hope that you will come along and show us new ideas too.
The craft club meets every Monday mornings from 10-12.30 at Diane's bar at 55 Dr Gregorio Maranon, Torrevieja - just behind Antonio's hair dressers.....very close to the salt belt.

For more details, just call Kathy on 678 901 237.

Torrevieja Digital Camera Club
The club has approximately 50 members and are dedicated to digital Photography and all other forms of digital imagery.

P.A.L.S. Social Club , Calle Flecha, 9 La Siesta, 03184, Torrevieja where meetings feature competitions, presentations and discussions on all aspects of Digital Photography. We also arrange quite a few outings and social events on a regular basis.

During July and August the club has a break from formal meetings, but still hold social meetings or BBQ's.

Alan Davis is the club chairman and can be reached on 965 992 133 or by e-mail to

Torrevieja Flower Club
We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at Restaurant Rocajuna in Torrevieja. The demonstration starts at 2pm.

Please contact Sandra on 686 367 386, Cynthia Ellen 966 701 831 or Angie 966 761 036.

Torrevieja Marina Club Diving Centre
Playa de Acequion s/n, Torrevieja.  Tel 965 713 492

Football in TorreviejaTorrevieja Mens Football
Mens English football team playing for fun and fitness, playing football in the Torrevieja area once a week.

Good way to keep fit and make new mates at the same time. 

If you're aged between 20-40, easy going, reliable and would like a good game of football once a week,  just call Doug on 628 789 335.

Torrevieja Multiaventura Diving Centre
Maria Parodi 31, Torrevieja.

Tel 965 713 492 or 965 704 309

Torrevieja Neighbourhood Watch
San Luis / La Siesta Neighbourhood Watch (which also covers El Chaparrel and El Limonar) is a group run by local residents to share crime and safety information in the Torrevieja west area. The group is part of Neighbourhood Watch Espana and is the only group authorised and supported by Torrevieja Council. The group holds meetings on the last Monday of each month (except July, August and December) starting at 4.30 at Casa Ventura, San Luis. Meetings are attended by the local council, local police and we have guest speakers such as the British Consul, the N332 team (trafico) and help organisations. Membership is free.

Torrevieja Philatelic Society
We are an international club with members from European countries, but the majority of members are British. We meet every Wednesday at the Los Arcos restaurant, Avda. Baleares, Torrevieja.

We meet at 3.15pm and the meeting starts at 3.30pm. Members can buy, sell or exchange stamps before and after each meeting.

The club is open to anyone and we welcome beginners and established philatelists. Beginners will receive a starter pack to get them off the ground.

Call in and see us at our meetings or call Harry Alderson on 966 789 018 or email

Torrevieja Scuba Diving
Captain Garcia Gea, 13-local 2, Torrevieja, Alicante 03180.

Tel 965 707 761.

Torrevieja Self Awareness and Healing San Luis
Call Barry on 966 785 382 or email to:

Torrevieja Show Group
Everyone is always made very welcome and if you fancy helping in any way, especially with a needle and thread, let us know!

Torrevieja Show Group

We meet on Fridays at Los Arcos Restaurant, Avd Baleares, at 1.30pm.

We are currently rehearsing for our Annual Panto, but we are always looking for new members, Some to sing or just help out backstage. All newcomers are made very welcome whatever they would like to do.

Contact Jenny on email address  or 966 261 627

Torrevieja Sub Aqua Diving Centre
C/Huerto 22 bajo, Torrevieja.

Tel 607 451 794.

Torrevieja Table Tennis Club
Mondays and Wednesdays at the Abbey Tavern, La Florida, between 2pm and 6pm.

Call Tony on 965 328 607

Torrevieja United Futbol Club
Torrevieja United Futbol Club is a Torrevieja United F?bol Clubmulti-national young persons football club affiliated to the Federacion de Futbol de la Comunidad Valenciana, FFCV affiliation number 6259.

The Club is a Registered Charity, CIF No. G5397, and is a non-profit making organisation. The Club Officers, Managers and Coaching Staff gladly give their time free so that the youngsters can be provided with quality coaching and competitive football. This present season, 2007/2008, the Club has teams from Under 10 to Under 16 in the various leagues of theTorrevieja United Boys Football Club FFCV.

New members are always welcome in the Club and further information can be obtained in the first instance, from Club chairman Mark Ronan on 636 230 222.

Torrevieja Writers Circle
Meets every Wednesday from 11.00-13.00 at the Olympia Restaurant, Mil Palmeras.

For further information contact the Chairman, Nik Morton on 966 796 866.

World Ship Society
The Costa Blanca Branch of the World Ship Society covers a large area of the Costa Blanca.  Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 6pm to 9pm in Hoggies Bar in Urbanisation San Luis in Torrevieja.

If you are an ex seafarer or just a lover of ships and the sea why not come and meet us.
For more information just contact Jim Stevens on 966 765 166 or e-mail Jim on

If you would like an association, charity, club, society or any other non-profit organisation in Torrevieja or nearby areas to be featured on this page free of charge, or if you would like to correct any of the details above, just email details to

Limitations to the entries on this page :

  • An entry on this page, without a free dedicated page - can only give basic details, such as aims of the group, when and where the group meet, plus contact details - maximum of 100 words and 1 image, (either a logo or a photo).
  • An entry on this page, with a free dedicated page, (like the others at the bottom of this page) - maximum of 400 words and 2 images, (either logos or photos).

Some clubs and groups may already have their own website, but with this website receiving over 6,000 visitors a week, you will be reaching a much wider audience by having a free dedicated website page here.

If you would like your own free dedicated website page, similar to the ones listed below, (and also have an enhanced listing above, with the borders), which would then be viewed by over 6,000 people every week and which you can always update as often as you wish, free of any charges, just email details of what you would like, to :

Because of the extra work involved, this free offer is limited to the first 20 associations, charities, clubs, groups and societies to email us - count how many are below to see how many spaces are left.

Christ In You - Torrevieja

Football in Torrevieja

Freewheelers classic cars in Torrevieja

Gilbert and Sullivan Society in Torrevieja

Just Brass - Torrevieja

Phoenix Concert Band in Torrevieja

SAT Animal Rescue

Taabs - Torrevieja

Tennis on the Costa Blanca - Torrevieja

The Rascals in Torrevieja

Torrevieja Barbershop Harmonisers

If you would like an association, charity, club or society for the Torrevieja area to have it's own page on this website, free of charge, just email to maintain these pages completely free of any charges for the community, but please remember, these pages are updated with new information as soon as it's received from the groups representative, (as the text is just copied and pasted from the emails received - any spelling mistakes or grammar errors you see above are not our fault ! !), so, if you see any of the details above are looking out-of-date, it's because the up-to-date details haven't yet been emailed from the groups representative ! !

Torrevieja Information
Helping the community of Torrevieja since 1998

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