Torrevieja, on the Costa Blanca, in sunny Spain

Torrevieja Information

Giving information for Torrevieja

Torrevieja, on the Costa Blanca, in sunny Spain

Supermarkets in Torrevieja town

When going on holiday anywhere - it's usually handy to know where you can get your food and drink shopping - well thankfully, you can be rest assured, that when taking a holiday in Torrevieja, there's plenty of supermarkets in Torrevieja town - details below.

The words for supermarket in Spanish are supermercado, hipermercado or mercado.

Don't forget that you can also get some excellent food at the local street market in Torrevieja - for more details on the market, just click here: market in Torrevieja

The opening times below are only a guide - and please remember that, unless stated otherwise, the supermarkets in Torrevieja, (and the rest of Spain), are usually not open on Sundays, fiestas or other public holidays.

Details of the supermarkets in Torrevieja :

Name of supermarket - Carrefour

Address of supermarket - Ctra A Crevillente CV-905

Opening times - Mondays to Saturdays 09.00 to 22.00
                          Sundays - July to September inclusive
                          09.00 to 22.00
During July, August and September, open until midnight 7 days a week. Many thanks to Phil from Luton in Bedfordshire, England, for the updates.


Name of supermarket - Mercadona

Address of supermarket - Antonio Machado

Opening times - Mondays to Saturdays 09.30 to 21.00


Name of supermarket - Mercadona

Address of supermarket - Calle Marconi

Opening times - Mondays to Saturdays 09.15 to 21.15


Name of supermarket - Super Valu

Address of supermarket - Calles San Luis/Del Huerto

Opening times - Mondays to Saturdays 09.30 to 21.00

Many thanks to Mary, from Sawbridgeworth, Herts, England, for the above information.


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